Bondage (BDSM) Kits – Making Your Fantasy True!

Bondage Tools BDSM

What is BDSM?

Bondage is slowly becoming a new way for couples to spice up the normal boring bedroom routine. Bondage is a type of role play or sex game. It involves the consensual exchange of power where the partners play either the Dom or Sub role. Being in control is a sexual fantasy in itself but relinquishing control requires a completely different perspective. The Dom restrains and controls the Sub, who voluntarily gives in and let’s go of the control freak inside. By removing self-imposed inhibitions the imagination becomes free to explore desires making the possibilities endless. And now BDSM doesn’t just mean male dominate, femdom has become increasingly more popular too.

People are attracted to bondage because of the thrill and adrenaline rush that comes from trying something with a slight element of danger in it. Whether it’s giving up control or being in charge the power exchange creates a unique relationship dynamic that paves the way for great sexual experiences sure to create the best sex ever.

Escalate the senses with Bondage Kits

Restricting the senses or movement amplifies certain sensory functions. For example, something as simple as a blindfold can be used to experiment with bondage. Because we rely so much on eyesight to interact with the world, removing it leaves the mind vulnerable and open to new experiences. The mind is able to wonder and anticipate. This anticipation creates a heightened state of being aware & even the smallest of touches can send goosebumps through the skin.

Another easy way to get into BDSM is to use sex tape. Made from a certain type of material that is safe on skin, sex tape can be used to restrain or decorate your partner.

For those ready to take it to the next level there are more physical restraints. Things like lace ribbons, furry handcuffs, leather cuffs or body harnesses can be used to playfully restrain your partner. Some believe that being tied up inhibits them but it actually liberates them. Ropes and cuffs are used to achieve sex positions that would otherwise be impossible. They hold limbs in place taking the effort away to hold sex positions for longer. They can spread legs, hold bodies up, or even hold positions that would otherwise be uncomfortable. These ropes and restraints leave the hands free to explore and massage. Plus they offer great leverage for optimum thrust power.

You want something that is easy on the skin, like these wrist cuffs. They are a simple way to signify the beginning of the play by putting it on and the end of the play by taking it off. For the more advanced, these under-the-bed sex restraints can be used to relinquish all control and can be discreetly put away after. By surrendering power the mind becomes open to the partner’s imagination to explore together what it finds pleasing.

This kind of relationship exploration requires a special kind of trust. One partner has control and the other is in it for the rollercoaster ride. Having no control of the speed or direction all the Sub can do is trust the other partner. Being in the hands of our lover creates an emotional high that’s not easy to match. That being said there are some potential dangers involved. Cutting off circulation and accidentally breaking the skin are real possibilities. That’s why a safe word, or signal if gaged, is necessary to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the partners.

So go try something new and exciting. Sex is supposed to be fun and sometimes the usual routine needs a little more oomph! Bondage is the new Black, and everyone knows what happens when we go black.

15 thoughts on “Bondage (BDSM) Kits – Making Your Fantasy True!”

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